Undergraduate Research Scholar Micro-Credentials

What is a Micro-Credential?

A “micro-credential” showcases your competency in skills that are needed in today’s workforce. A verified micro-credential is earned when learners are able to demonstrate what they know — and what they are able to do — related to a specific topic.

University of Maine System (UMS) micro-credentials are made up of stacked digital badges, which highlight the skills employers are seeking. They are offered to University of Maine System students and as professional development opportunities for individuals already in the workforce to advance or increase their marketability. Micro-credentials earned through the University of Maine System are: Validated, evidence-based, sharable, portable, and stackable.

Why Earn a Micro-Credential?

  • Receive training and work experience
  • Strengthen your narrative and digital identity
  • Communicate your skills to your employers
  • Showcase your skills and stand out
  • Get verified and share your badges
  • Continue to learn

What is the Undergraduate Research Scholar Program?

The overall goal of this pathway is to encourage students to gain real world experience and skills to be a research scholar in their field of study by encouraging them to dive deeper into experiential opportunities on and off campus.

Choose One of the Following:

  • Attended a professional development workshop offered through the University of Maine Center for Undergraduate Research (i.e. a CUGR talk, AI webinar, or attend or engage in the UMaine Student Symposium, EPIC Lecture), or other UMaine research conference, performance, exhibit, etc., of your choosing (i.e. UMaine art show, exhibit or opening, theatre or musical performance).. Attendance will be documented using the Undergraduate Research Scholar Reflection Form and the Undergraduate Research Scholar Reflection Rubric to assess learners have met the criteria. 
  • Applied to a CUGR fellowship or MSGC Research Experience 
  • Applied to the UMaine Student Symposium through the submission of an abstract

Level One Required Evidence:

University of Maine Undergraduate Research Scholar Badge Level 1

Pick Two of the Following:

  • Completed the UMaine Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) training or any other relevant trainings in their area of study including but not limited to: UMaine Safety and Environmental Management Trainings, Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Review Board (IRB) micro-credential, or project-specific mentor-led training. 
  • Participated in approved faculty-mentored research or creative activity.
  • Submitted their research or creative activity to the UMaine Student Symposium, or other symposium, conference or approved event/venue.
  • Completed the UMaine Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training.

Level Two Required Evidence:

  • Certification of completion of training listed above such as RCR, CITI, DEI, or IRB training.
  • CUGR confirmation of student participation in UMaine Student Symposium.
  • Proof of submission to a symposium, conference or other approved event/venue.
University of Maine Undergraduate Research Scholar Badge Level 2

Complete the Following:

  • Student reflection form after completing the process.
  • Positive performance evaluation from the students faculty mentor.
  • Judging assessment of your UMSS Presentation (contact the UMSS staff at um.symposium@maine.edu to request confirmation of your scores or to request accommodations for other presentation events).

Level Three Required Experience

  • Student self-reflection on the research process and experience
  • Performance evaluation from their faculty mentor or internship supervisor verifying their work and learner competency in their research.
  • Judging assessment of your UMSS presentation will be used to determine your competency in presentation skills. A minimum combined score of 75  will need to be achieved. Contact the UMSS staff at um.symposium@maine.edu to request confirmation of your scores or to request accommodations for other presentation events.
University of Maine Undergraduate Research Scholar Badge Level 3

The overall goal of this pathway is to encourage students to gain real-world experience and skills to be a research scholar in their field of study by encouraging them to dive deeper into experiential opportunities on and off campus. Level 1 is the first step in sparking students’ interest in research and creative activities. This badge encourages students to attend three different events that will enhance their professionalism and provide them with a guide to identify research opportunities. Attending conferences, applying for research fellowships/grants, and connecting with professors will enhance their resumes and understanding of what options are available to them.

Badging Platform for all UMS Micro-Credentials

UMS Micro-Credential Website